Making a lifetime

The Pomodoro technique, have you tried it? Twenty-five minutes dedicated to the task of your choice, a five minute break, repeat.  All day.

Game changer.

Sounds easy, right? It’s hard! But with time slowed down during a pandemic, I’m practicing and I learned a few things that helped me, and might help you, too.

Pomodoro, means tomato in Italian. Tomato?—doesn’t work for me. I call this process MomoDo, which means to me: doing moments,  which is the action.

Here’s five ways to get good at your moments:

  1. Focus on what you intend to accomplish.
  2. Bite-size it (as close to a 25 minute bite as you can, you get good at this with time).
  3. Take 30 seconds, breathe deeply, and step in with the intention on your mind—feels like a dare!
  4. Stay with it until ‘ding’ (I use the premium version of the momentum app with google chrome). Stay with it—no email checking, no phone peek.
  5. Enjoy five minutes of recharge (coming soon: idea cards I use for 5 minute breaks).

Turns out that twenty-five minutes is a lot of time!

I’ve enjoyed thinking about the five minute chunks as a little bonus:  get moving, get inspired, laugh, connect.  I created cards that I keep in a beautiful card holder, and I choose the day’s breaks ahead of time. Having a visual reminder of my break keeps me on track.

Memento:  When you make the most of your life’s time, you are building a remarkable lifetime.