
You, Me, & Mystery.

You could be in thousands of places reading about stories or creating a more meaningful life. Yet here you are! I am grateful. I’ve spent a lot of time searching for ways to keep motivated and on the road to what I know I’m meant to do with my life: tell stories.

If living in a state of mystery and possibility appeals to you, then you might enjoy what I write about.   Sometimes I share ideas from Earl, the protagonist in my coming-soon novel, Blind Approach Ahead, who is learning about loss, transformation, belief and connection.    Other times I contemplate an any day moment in a new way, or wrestle with productivity, time, systems and tools—fountain pens, Japanese paper, leather books!—we can use to pull off a life that matters to us.

I just finished my first novel for adults. I have two middle-grade novels pretty close to done and right now I am working on a non-fiction book about aligning your time with your purpose. I categorize posts: Words (writerly, story things), Moments (time and purpose) and Wonder (experiencing the mystery of living in this world).

I am dedicated to the mystery of everyday life.

I am on a journey and I imagine you are, too. I think it would be fun to share it. If you subscribe, the most recent post will arrive right in your email inbox. Thank you for visiting.

Even from the vantage point of a pandemic, I truly believe we can make anything happen in our lives, and in the work that matters most to us.  As 67 year-old Earl Roger Sanford would say, “Well, I’ll be.”

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